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Veterinary Surgery

Our veterinary surgery team in Ypsilanti perform a wide variety of surgical procedures on dogs and cats who require them. These range from soft tissue and orthopedic surgeries to c-sections, cosmetic surgeries like ear crops and oncological surgeries.  

Book Online (734) 482-8171

Veterinary Surgery

We offer an extensive range of surgical services for dogs and cats in the Ypsilanti area at our animal hospital. We use advanced surgical techniques and stringent surgical protocols to do so.

During each surgery, a dedicated nurse will administer anesthesia and continuously monitor your pet using electronic patient monitoring equipment. Pain management will also be provided. 

After the procedure is done, pain management and patient monitoring are our priorities. Your vet will also make surer to provide your instructions about the appropriate at-home care you should be providing your pet with.

Veterinary Surgery for cats and dogs at Ypsilanti

What to Expect from Vet Surgery

We will always keep you fully informed about why we are recommending surgery for your pet as well as any post-operative care you will have to provide them once they return home. We always practice stringent surgical safety protocols at our clinic. 

The Veterinary Surgery Process

We know that the idea of bringing your pet in for veterinary surgery can be a frightening one. We want to assure you, however, that we only recommend surgery for your cat or dog when it is in their best interests.

We will ensure that you fully understand why we are recommending surgery, and that you are comfortable making the decision to move ahead. 

If your pet requires advanced care that we are unable to provide, our vets will be more than happy to refer you to a veterinary surgeon near Ypsilanti and work closely with them in order to provide the best possible care to your beloved pet. 

Surgical protocols at our clinic include:

Pre-surgical assessments. We will go over the specifics of the procedure for your pet as well as conduct a physical examination of the patient. We will make sure blood tests have been completed and reviewed by our vets in order to ensure that your pet doesn't' face any risks of anesthesia-related complications.

Dedicated surgical suites. Surgeries are performed in a dedicated surgical suite. This room is kept completely sterile to prevent infection and cross-contamination.

Surgical attire. Our staff wear disposable caps and masks at all times when they are in the surgical suite. Those involved in the procedure itself will also wear sterile gowns and single-use gloves.

Sterile packs and equipment. We carefully clean, sterilize and wrap our surgical instruments and equipment prior to every surgery.

Surgical Procedures

Our vets at Michigan Avenue Animal Hospital routinely perform the following elective and non-elective surgeries:

  • Soft Tissue Surgery

    For pets suffering from ear, nose and throat disorders, we offer soft tissue surgical procedures. These procedures are also available for hepatic, urogenital, oncological, cardiothoracic, gastrointestinal and skin disorders. 

    • Anal Gland Removal
    • Cystotomy Surgery
    • Ear Hematoma
    • Ear Polyp Removal
    • Hernia Repair
    • Nephrectomy
    • Spay & Neuter
    • Parathyroid Gland Tumor 
    • Perineal Urethostomy
    • Salivary Gland Issues
    • Skin Grafting
    • Reconstructive
    • Thyroid Gland Removal
    • Tracheal Collapse
  • Abdominal

    At Michigan Avenue Animal Hospital we offer a host of abdominal surgeries and diagnostics .

    • Exploratory Laparotomy
    • Adrenal Gland Tumor Removal
    • Bladder Stone Removal
    • Bloat Surgery
    • Gastric Dilatation
    • Mass Biopsy
    • Pyometra
    • Foreign Body Retrieval
    • Gastropexy
    • Subtotal Colectomy
    • Nephrectomy
    • Intestine Mass Removal
    • Liver Mass Removal
    • Pancreatic Mass Removal
    • Spleenic Mass Removal
  • Corrective & Cosmetic

    A number elective, corrective and cosmetic surgical procedures can be performed on your cat or dog in order to make your and their lives easier.

    • Cat declawing
    • Dog Dewclaw Removal
    • Ear Cropping
    • Tail Docking
    • Tail Amputation in Dogs
    • Stenotic Nares in Dogs (Narrow nostrils)
  • C-Sections

    During Caesarean sections, we remove puppies or kittens from their mother's uterus.

    C-sections are typically performed with the mother is unable to give birth naturally. 

  • Ophthalmological and Ocular

    If your pet has sustained trauma, is experiencing pain, redness or other symptoms in or around their eyes, they may need an ocular surgery. 

    • Eye Enucleation 
    • Cherry Eye Surgery
    • Entropion & Ectopion Eye Surgery
  • Mass Removal

    Cats and dogs can develop masses associated with the skin. They can also grow inside a body cavity and can be serious or life-threatening.

    Mass removal surgery is a fairly common procedure for both cats and dogs.

  • Foreign Body

    Sometimes, foreign objects are ingested or can get stuck inside a cat's or dog's body.

    Whether your pet has eaten an object they shouldn't have or an accident has left them injured, we can perform foreign body surgery to remove it.

    In some cases, specialized skills or equipment are needed to perform pet surgery. If that is the case for your animal, your vet will refer you to a cat or dog surgeon near Ypsilanti and work closely with your veterinary surgeon to ensure that your dog or cat receives the very best care.

  • Wounds

    Wounds occur when living tissue has been cut, broken, burnt, torn or otherwise damaged.

    It's imperative that these wounds be cleaned, disinfected and appropriately cared for by a qualified veterinarian as soon as possible. 

  • Urethrectomy

    During a urethrectomy, our vets remove all or part of a cat's or dog's ureter.

  • Cystotomy

    A cystotomy is a surgical procedure in which an opening is created in the wall of your pet's urinary tract, allowing the surgeon to look inside the bladder.

    With this procedure our Ypsilanti vets are able  to detect and treat bladder problems including bladder stones, bladder tumors, blood clots and sever urinary bladder trauma.

  • Orthopedic Surgery

    Orthopedic surgeries correct injuries and diseases of the bones, ligaments, joints, tendons, and other skeletal structures in your pet.

    Our veterinarians offer a wide range of orthopedic treatments for cats and dogs.

    • Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO)
    • Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA)
    • Femoral Head & Neck Ostectomy (FHO)
    • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery(MRIT)
    • Tightrope CCL
    • Tibial Bone Fracture Repair
    • Tibial Growth Plate Repair
    • Lateral Humeral Condylar Fracture
    • Patellar Luxation ( Medial & Lateral)
    • Patella Alta (High Riding Patella)
    • Hip Dysplasia
    • Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (JPS)
    • Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
    • Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD) lesions
    • Achilles Stretched/Rupture
    • Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Luxation
    • Tibial Tuberosity Avulsion Fracture
    • Carpal & Tarsal Fractures
    • Carpal & Tarsal Arthrodesis
  • Spaying & Neutering

    When we spay or neuter a cat or dog, we surgically sterilize them to prevent disease and provide them with an extended life expectancy. 

  • Dental Surgery

    Our veterinarians provide dental surgeries for dogs and cats. These surgeries can range from tooth extractions to gum disease treatment, jaw fracture repairs, the removal of oral tumors, maxillofacial reconstruction and palate defect repairs.

    • Brachycephalic Airways Syndrome Correction
    • Cleft Palate Repair
    • Jaw Fractures Repair
    • Fracture Tooth Extraction
    • Retained (Deciduous) Teeth in Dog & Cat
    • Tooth Root Abscess in Dogs
    • Salivary Mucocele Surgery
  • Oncological

    When treating a disease like cancer, often therapies combines with surgical interventions are required to give your pet a chance for recovery. 

    Our Ypsilanti vets offer oncological surgeries to treat cancer ranging from tumor removal from anal glands, mammaries, or kidneys to limb amputations.

    Rest assured that we use all possible safety precautions and only recommend highly invasive surgeries when they are your pet's best chance at health and happiness.

  • Emergency

    In the event of a veterinary emergency, our vets offer a wide variety of surgeries to address your cat or dog's urgent health issues. 

    If your pet is experiencing a veterinary emergency, call us as soon as possible.

    • Vaginal Prolapse & Vaginitis in Dogs
    • Abscess treatment
    • Corneal Ulcer in Dogs & Cats
    • GIT Resection & Anastomosisl
    • Bite Wound Treatment
    • Bloat Surgery & Gastric Dilatation & Volvulus (GDV)
    • C-Section & Dystocia in Dogs & Cats
    • Bladder Stone Removal(Cystic Calculi)
    • Abdominal Exploratory Laparotomy)
    • Eye Enucleation (Eyeball Removal)
    • Feeding Tube Placement & Management
    • Gastrointestinal Foreign Body Removal
    • Laceration Repair
    • Limb Amputations
    • Pyometra in Dogs & Cats
    • Rectal Polyp in Dogs & Cats
    • Rectal Prolapse in Dogs & Cats
    • Spleenic (Spleen) Mass Removal
  • Ear

    Our veterinarians offer a number of different specialized veterinary surgeries for ear issues in Ypsilanti pets.

    • Total Ear Canal Ablation-TECA
    • Ventral Bulla Osteotomy
    • Lateral Ear Canal Resection-Zepp Procedure
    • Vertical Ear Canal Ablation
    • Ear Hematoma Surgery

Caring for Pets in Ypsilanti

Michigan Avenue Animal Hospital is accepting new patients! Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

Contact Us

Book Online (734) 482-8171